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Keeping your Commercial Property Pest Free from Rats and Mice

No business wants to be associated with a pest problem. Not only does it make your premises look unclean, but can also be very detrimental to your business’s reputation to be found with insects and rodents scurrying around your workplace.

Commercial Pest Control

Pest infestations could cost you lots of money, and put your business at risk in the meantime. Rodents such at mice are attracted to small spaces, looking for food and warmth, and this is why kitchens, loft spaces and even cavities of walls make great homes for them. Rats may invade your premises looking for something to feed on, and may cause great structural damage to your premises as they do so.

These rodents also have the capabilities to spread diseases. Their droppings, urine and general filth aid in the transmission of Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, Toxoplasmosis, Lyme disease, and fever. They can also carry ticks, fleas, lice and mites, making them even more dangerous to humans and the things they come in contact with. Rats and mice can contaminate food, damage containers and packaging, as well as even eat the food that has been left open and on display. They may enter your building through cracks in structure, vents, pipes, cables, drains, and even open doorways and windows.

The presence of these pests can have a detrimental effect on business, and can damage relationships between the organisation, suppliers and customers.

If you do find yourself with a commercial pest infestation, please do not try and deal with it yourself. There are specific requirements for documentation in legislation, and rodenticides used must be approved products. Expertise is needed to use the right type of bait, know where it should be placed, how often it should be monitored, and ensure documentation in completed the correct manner.

As well as getting rid of the pest, we can provide services for minor building works to prevent rodents from gaining access to your premises. This may be in the form of bumper strips on the bottom of roller doors, bristle strips on the bottom of doors with gaps, repairs to damaged air bricks, and minor pointing around waste water pipes.

Rid or protect your premises from a pest infestation today. Contact us to find out more about our commercial contracts.

What customers say about Confirm a Kill - Nottingham Pest Control

Delighted with Ray and the service he offered. A value for money service that treated and removed my problem. Thanks!

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